Summer Programs

We Provide a wide variety of programs for players of all ages and levels of competition


Community Hospital will be offering a Sportsmetrics Injury Prevention and Performance Enhancing Program for Fire FC Players born in 2012 or 2011. We will have a certified Sportsmetrics Trainer leading this program for the first 14 players who register.


  • Injury Prevention.
  • Neuro muscular Control.
  • Improving Athletic Performance.

Time – 8:30am-10am

Dates – June 25 (pre-test), 27, July 9, 11, 16, 18, 23, 25, 30, August 1, 6 (post test)

Where – Fire FC Indoor Facility

Cost – $50. An amazing deal supplemented by Community Hospital. Contact me directly at if you would like consideration on scholarship.

Ages – only for players born 2011 or 2012 (we hope to build on this program and begin offering different levels throughout the club to benefit our player long term health).

Caped at 14 players and you should commit to all the sessions to see most benefit.

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Next Level Summer Sessions (Training only)

Fire FC is excited to announce our new summer program called Next Level Summer Sessions for competitive players U11 and older. This program is designed to help guide and improve player’s mental, physical, and technical portions of the game. The mental portion of the session is designed for players to spend a portion of time in a classroom discussing and going over activities to help players add to their tool kit when dealing with things such as setbacks, injuries, and mentality/drive. The physical portion of this program will focus on strength, speed, agility and coordination. The technical portion of this program will focus on improving player’s ability to dribble, do moves, passing and receiving on the ground and in the air, finishing, and all the different elements involved in defending.

There are 10 sessions provided, each session is 90 minutes long, and players will get 30 minutes at each station with a different coach.

Cost - Trainings only $250

Dates - TBD

Times -

U11-U12 - 10:00-11:30am - 30 mins at 3 different stations 

U13-U14 - 11:45am-1:15pm - 30 mins at 3 different stations 

U15 and Up - 10:00-11:30am - 30 min at 3 different stations

Location - Grand Junction Soccer Club indoor facility - 2791 Printers Court Grand Junction, CO 81506

Registration Open – March 26th

Registration Close date is June 12th

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Next Level Summer Sessions + 7v7 Games (7v7 games for 2011, 2012, 2013, and 14 have been cancelled)

Fire FC is excited to announce our new summer program called Next Level Summer Sessions for competitive players U11 and older. This program is designed to help guide and improve player’s mental, physical, and technical portions of the game. The mental portion of the session is designed for players to spend a portion of time in a classroom discussing and going over activities to help players add to their tool kit when dealing with things such as setbacks, injuries, and mentality/drive. The physical portion of this program will focus on strength, speed, agility and coordination. The technical portion of this program will focus on improving player’s ability to dribble, do moves, passing and receiving on the ground and in the air, finishing, and all the different elements involved in defending.

There are 10 sessions provided, each session is 90 minutes long, and players will get 30 minutes at each station. They will also get the minimum of five 7v7 games.

Cost - Trainings and 7v7 games is $300

Dates - TBD

Times -

U11-U12 - 10:00-11:30am training, 7v7 games have been cancelled

U13-U14 - 11:45am-1:15pm training, 7v7 games have been cancelled

U15 & Up - 10:00-11:30am

Location - Grand Junction Soccer Club indoor facility - 2791 Printers Court Grand Junction, CO 81506

Registration Open – March 26th

Registration Close date is June 12th

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Summer 7v7 Games only (7v7 games for 2011, 2012, 2013, and 14 have been cancelled)

This is a registration just for 7v7 games that will be on Tuesday evenings from 5pm onwards.

Cost - 7v7 games only $75

Dates -TBD

(High schoolers will be on Wednesday or Thursday evenings with adults).

Times - From 5pm onwards

Location - Grand Junction Soccer Club indoor facility - 2791 Printers Court Grand Junction, CO 81506

Registration Open – March 26th

Registration Close date is June 12th

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U11-U14 Finishing Clinic

Description – This program will focus on all aspects of finishing and shooting. It will include first touch to set yourself up to score, long range shooting, close range finishing, heading, volleying and other aspects of scoring goals.

Cost - $150

Dates – Trainings on Monday and Friday, June 17, 21, 24, 28, July 8, 12, 15, 19, 22 and 26.

Time – 9:00-10:00am

Location - Grand Junction Soccer Club indoor facility - 2791 Printers Court Grand Junction, CO 81506

Registration open - March 26th and close date - June 12th

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U15-19 Finishing Clinic

Description – This program will focus on all aspects of finishing and shooting. It will include first touch to set yourself up to score, long range shooting, close range finishing, heading, volleying and other aspects of scoring goals.

Cost - $150

Dates – Trainings on Monday and Friday, June 17, 21, 24, 28, July 8, 12, 15, 19, 22 and 26.

Time – 10:00-11:00am

Location - Grand Junction Soccer Club indoor facility - 2791 Printers Court Grand Junction, CO 81506

Registration open - March 26th

Close date - June 12th

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9/10 Level Up Summer Training

Description – This program will be a continuation of what we did in the fall with 9/10 Level Up. Players will improve skills like dribbling, moves to beat players, passing, receiving, and they will learn basic tactics in 1v1, 2v2 and 3v3 situations (foundation of the game). We hope kids leave the program more comfortable on the ball and having had a great time. This program will offer 10 training sessions.

Cost - $150

Dates – Wednesdays and Thursdays, June 19, 20, 26, 27, July 10, 11, 17, 18, 25 and 26

Time - 8:45-9:45am

Location - Grand Junction Soccer Club indoor facility - 2791 Printers Court Grand Junction, CO 81506

Registration Open – March 26th

Registration Close June 12th

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Speed and Agility Clinic Open to U11-U19 Boys and Girls (Competitive and Rec)

Description - Speed and Agility are necessities for athletics! Through this clinic athletes will be given tools to become better athletes and better soccer players by focusing on running mechanics, speed, agility, power, and functional movement patterns.

Each athlete will get one on one instruction, a home stability program, athlete and parent education on injury prevention, recovery nutrition and return to play protocols. Session one will include Athlete and Parent education, baseline testing of speed, agility, and functional movement to help measure progress. A supervised workout focusing on running mechanics, linear and multidirectional speed, and agility. The second session will include re-test baseline testing. A supervised workout progressing on running mechanics, linear and multidirectional speed, and agility.

The clinic will be run by Dr. Joel Carrithes DC/ATC who has over 15 years of experience in sports medicine. Dr. Carrithers has been the Chiropractor/ Athletic Trainer for the Colorado Rapids Major League Soccer Professional team from 2012-2022.

Cost $200 for both sessions. ONLY 10 SPOTS AVAILABLE

Time – 3:00pm-4:30pm

Date Tuesday June 25th and Tuesday July 23rd

Email with GJFC Speed Agility Clinic in Subject line with question. ONLY 10 SPOTS AVAILABLE!

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Fall Kickoff Camp 2024

This camp is led by Fire FC Staff coaches and will be used to get Fire FC players ready for the upcoming fall season (players outside of the club are welcome as well). The focus will be fitness with a ball and individual skills. It is meant to be challenging, while still be a learning opportunity for players.

Players will leave this camp with better overall conditioning and a sharper touch on the ball. What better way to jump into the fall season?

Groups within the camp will not exceed a 20-1 player to coach ratio and players will be insured the highest level of coaching Fire FC can offer. Players will be grouped age specific (i.e. usually in two-year increments).


When: TBD

Where: Canyon View Park

What to bring: Soccer ball, proper soccer attire including shin guards, lots of water, and snacks.

Time: 5:30-8pm

  • Breakdown of camp:
  • 5:30-6:30pm conditioning/agility/strength within a training topic.
  • 30 minute break
  • 7-8pm will be continuation of original topic in a play practice play format.

Age of campers: 7-19 years old

Cost: $145 Register on-line

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